Tuesday, January 22, 2013


-Argumentative Essay-

Mandatory dress codes cannot improve  students' performance in school. Actually, I have experiences that supports the idea that uniforms CANNOT improve students' performance. This topic is related wit the ideas of freedom and students' right. I'll show based on my experienve and thesis that this is not true. Also I'll give other peoples' opinions and compare with other countries.

I think forcing mandatory dress codes casuses fights between teachers and students. There are some teachers who always chekc who didn't arrange their uniforms  well. If they find any student who has a bad uniform condition, they scold us ot they give RPs(= Red Points; means that if we did bad behavior, we'll get this point for punishment.) Sometimes, the general manager of that grade checks the uniforms during class time and it's  time wasting. One of the teachers of MATH said that it is useless and makes teachers and student have tension between of the,. Both students and teachers think that it is useless and timewasting but why do we do this? If we keep doing this and ist can cause immoral class atmosphere.


DRABBLE - only with exactly 100 words.

There were the snail Shelly and Frog Plint in the forest.
Both wanted to go  for the party that'll be hold tonight.
But, each member's dress shop was placed on the other side over the deep valley.
There is the log bridge to cross.
Unfortunately, Shelly and Plint met.
They started fighting Shelly said, " Don't you think lady is first?"
Plint said, "That is for old people right?"
They kept fighting.
Just, Ant Aunny passing away and siad
"Consider each other."
After that, they made up with each other and missed time because 
they kept considering each other for the night.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013



This is a Diamante Poem that I wrote.....:)


Shiny Creative

Becoming Acheiving Endeavoring

Drama Chracter Celebrity Professional

Famous Wonderful Precious

Beautiful Warm


☆ Always believe that you will suppose to make it ☆

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

An Compare Essay_ BRAVE (movie)


-Linda Elizabeth-

I watched a movie called, BRAVE. It was really impressive because
almost every movie that was made by Disney, ends like the prince and princess marry and have happy lives. But, it was not sort of that genre. First, let me introduce its stalk. Merida really liked riding a horse and shooting a bow. But her mom always advised her to be like princess. She wanted to change her mind. So she went to witch and got a cake. But when Elinor ate them, she became a bear! So because of that, she and Merida had to live in the forest. And after a lot of adventure, finally she becomes human and live happily . Eventhough you might think that Disney movie is too boring, we can have instruction like the proverb, Children have much to learn from.


First, I'm going to tell you about why Elinor and Merida had bad tension. In my opinion, just both of them didn't listen to each other and always argued because they didn't try to be considerate of each other. Mom wants Merida to be gorgeous just like princess and always tells her something to fix in her attitude. Perhaps mom thinks rule or tradition is important, but Merida wants to ride a horse and shoot a bow like a Brave woman soldier. I think, they both have a problem. Mom didn't listen to her about what she wants..Just like Jo-seon Dynasty's patriarchal system, she always tried to decide everything on her own eventhough it is related to Merida. And she pressured her to be a gorgeous princess, not knowing what she wants. Maybe at the end of the movie, when she returned to human again, she learned that LISTEN&LET HER GO IN HER WAY is really important in Merida's future. And also, Merida was also too obstinate in her opinion. Because of her selfishness in her mind, she tried to changed her mother but in wen the wrong way. When she wrote a letter sincerely not to changer her mind in to strange way, Elinor would have listened and accommodated her opinion! They should have listened to the other's opinion.

Eventhough I think that they both have problems, Elinor had a fixed idea that princess has to be graceful and mild. So she always talked, "Princess has to be mild", "Princess has to speak well.", " Prescess has to dress-up beautiful always." And, she didn't try to understand Merida, I think she has fixed idea- that was the rpobelm.
Also, she always decided Merida's work. If you see the movie, there is a scene that three of the men compete each other to be elected for husband to merida. And, that can change her whole life! It's very important to Merida, but she tried to decide it on her own . That is the reason why Merida says Elinor doesnt' listen to her!! These two parts were wrong, and if she changed it, perhaps she wouldn't chaned into a bear.

My mother sometimes acts like Elinor. I really wants to talk with her about the purpose of my life and my dream and my special ability that can help to devide my dream. But sometime she makes me fell annoying-she doens't believe me. When I sincerel talk about my mind in study, she sometimes doesn't listen to me. And this was the reason why I need a good advisor. I think this is very similar to Elinor and because of this point, I could understnad Merida's mind easily. Perhaps I should write a letter to her.

So, eventhough this movie was made by Disney, I could learn two things that is really impressive. First, Life has to be devided by myself- eventhough it is very small thing, and Second. Little fault that seems to be nothing cancause big problems that can affect everyone. It was really nice, and I hope you watch this movie. :-)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013



Dear my bed,

Hello, it's good to talk with you through this letter.
It's the first time I write this to you because I've never thought about writing a letter to you.
Eventhough I'm away from you , you are my metal supporter.
I'll send this if I have chance to do it.

First, I'll tell your appearance cause visitors won't know about your appearance.
(but you are the most valuable furniture to me.)
First you have a big, white body and you're design is antique style.
You have a big-flat head that has yellow-shiny paint on the outlines and crinkled pattern that has been used in the Renaissance period. And the most important thing in you is your body; it is flat and comfortable because of the mattress you have on your body.  So,, you're the most important and valuable furniture to me that can be heaven or hell and emeny or friend.

Let me tell you why you're heaven or friend. You were always my close friend that can make me get rid of stress. If I fight with my mother, you were always good at listening to me and embraced me just like my grandmother. When I'm too stressed about my study and feels like nothing if I  compare with Seoul's student, you make me feel brave so I can cheer up and study again. When I'm sick, you always had magical power that could heal me, and when I'm reading a book, you helped me to concentrate and imagine that I'm in the book.Thanks for all these things and I'll try to make you more gorgeous!

Then , Let me tell you why you're hell and my enemy.
First, you were too comfortable so I couldn't get off of you!; yes, I admit that it's my fault.
So,, sometimes I fall asleep without finishing my homework.
And you were too warm that makes me lazy! ; I know, it's my fault.
And if I study on you, you disturbes me saying "SLEEP"
;sorry, I know it's my fault. So you're like my enemy that disturbes me not to study.

Dear my bed, you're like heaven or hell and friend or enemy.
Sorry for 4th paragraph that I didn't admit my faults.
But , please say strictly "GO AWAY" when you're changing enemy-in my thought.
(Cause I don't want my mom to make you go away from my room)
Bye, my dear bed.

p.s. I'll buy some dolls for you to make you more gorgeous!

sincerely, your K. Linda Elizabeth.


<Setting goals>

- Goal 1 : I want to keep my plan everday.

    step 1 : Check what I did, and what I didn't.
    step 2 : Try to do everything I planned.
    step 3 : Be patient if I do it late.

-Goal 2 : I don't want to be lazy

    step 1 : Make a memo or note of waht I want to do.
    step 2 : Try to concentrate and do it quickly.
    step 3 : Always think about what I must do.

-Goal 3 : I want to have patience

    step 1 : Try to be like a role-model.(change myself)
    step 2 : Don't give up something and keep doing that.
                (evethough you don't like it)
    step 3 : Sit on the chair while studying and don't sleep!

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.

 Who looks inside, dreams; who looks outside, awakes." (C.G.Jung)


Sunday, January 6, 2013


<Self Intruduction>

* Let me tell about my special things^^

  1. I have a twin brother called Paul. It means, I'm a biovular twin.
  2. My dream is becomeing WHO's general secretary, researcher in science or
      math and architect.
  3. My birthday is March 15th.

*My profile

  -Hello everyone~♥  My name is K. Linda Elizabeth. ( Korean name is Kang
   Gyeong Min^^)
   I'm from Masan in Korea, near Busan. I'm 7th grade; 1st grade in middle
   school and I'm going to 8th
   grade after my birthday, March 15th.^^
   I have 4 members in my family; Dad, Mom, me and my twin brother.
   His name is Paul. Eventhough we fight soemtimes, we are good friends
   to each other. ♡
   I have many dreams, Such as WHO's general seceretary, researcher in
  science or math and architect.  I hope I can be like them.^^

   Anyway, have a good time in my blog; ARE YOU READY TO FLY??:)
   This was my self-intruduction.^^*